Noel talks to dancer PHILIP CONNAUGHTON of the Liz Roche company about the forthcoming production of Neither Either – a blend of poetry, dance, and music. The show has toured all over Ireland and its arrival in Dublin is much anticipated…
PHILLIP JENNINGS joins Yvette Reid to discuss the music festival and who will be a part of it. It’s an over 13’s event and was launched as an alternative ...
25 Mar 2013
PETER CUNNINGHAM, Near Co-op treasurer rounds up the planned events for the Social Justice media seminar, the day before the event occured. He outlines the various speakers lined up, ...
08 Mar 2013
Mark Finnegan is joined in studio by Independent Dublin Bay North Candidate for Election 2016, PRIONISAS Ó’CONARAIN. Prionsias talks about his motivations for joining the race, his previous election experiences and ...
22 Feb 2016
RAY HUNT talks Pat Meehan about ‘Willow Terrace’, an outdoor eating and dining area with a large collection of specimen willow plants now available at Skerries Mills. Seating is ...
25 Jun 2012
Noel McGuinness talks to AMANDA NI GHABHANN, who is reporting from the Europe Day Celebrations that are taking place in the EU House in Molesworth Street. A day full of ...
09 May 2014