DAVID MOORE of Astronomy Ireland speaks to Noel McGuinness about the night sky in December 2013. David says this time of year is very interesting with the winter solstice having taken place just three days ago. He tells us which constellations are visible at this time and the number of planets that are visible. The…
Noel interviews CIARAN MURRAY about the new programming for 2012 at ...
23 Dec 2011
GREGORY T ANGELO speaks to Eoin Drinan about the Log Cabin Republicans movement who represent LGBT republicans in America. Gregory shares the history of the formation of the group ...
05 Sep 2013
RONNIE O’ BRIEN speaks to MICHAEL STUBBS from about Dublin Innovation Festival, which will take place all over Dublin for four weeks this ...
26 Oct 2011
MARK FINNEGAN and NOEL McGUINNESS discuss the current state of morale amongst protesters who are determined to stop water charges being introduced. Eye-witness reports, unadulterated by national media agendas, ...
21 Nov 2014
Live Aid was staged on Saturday, July 13, 1985. About 75 different acts performed live for about 170,000 people in London and Philadelphia. Meanwhile, an estimated 1.5 billion people ...
13 Jul 2015