Live From Derry: The Festival of Light 2013


GER LEDDIN reports from the 2013 Derry Festival of Light. Derry is the UK City of Culture 2013. He details the purpose of the festival and gives a brief history of the city. The piece contains vox pops with people at the festival.

Gene Wilde, the Festival’s public relations officer, speaks to Ger about the launch of seventeen light art installations creating a unique outdoor art gallery in the city centre. 

Martin Reilly, Mayor of the city, tells Ger what the City of culture 2013 means to the people of Derry.

Duration: 09'45" DATE: December 2, 2013
Interviewer:Ger Leddin
Producer:Ger Leddin
Interviewee:Martin Reilly, Gene Wilde
Themes:Irish Life & Culture
Keywords:derry city of culture, derry festival of light, city of culture 2013, light art installations, derry fleadh
LocationDerry, Ireland Time Period:2013
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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