Dublin City Library’s Genealogy Open Day


Dublin City Library librarian, TARA DOYLE talks to John Healy about the library’s upcoming genealogy open days.

Tara talks about how the library has adjusted to today’s modern technology, the various services available in the library that may be unfamiliar to most visitors and the success of their book clubs.

She also talks about the genealogists that will be in attendance for the open day, the Summer Reading Buzz initiative to promote reading for children in Dublin libraries, how any book can be requested in any library despite unavailability at first and the upcoming workshops taking place in Coolock Library.

Duration: 11'07" DATE: July 24, 2013
Interviewer:John Healy
Producer:John Healy
Interviewee:Tara Doyle
Themes:Irish Life & Culture
Keywords:dublin city library, genealogy, summer reading buzz, modern technology
LocationDublin Time Period:2013
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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