The Frank O’Farrell Memorial Cricket Cup 2013 – a preview


LOUISE O’FARRELL is the organizer of the Frank O’Farrell Memorial “Cricket for Cancer” cup that inaugurated in 2011. She talks to John Healy about the upcoming event held in aid of St. Francis Hospice in Blanchardstown, Dublin.

In 2013 it takes place on the 6th of July in the Civil Service Cricket grounds at Phoenix Park. We hear that on the day, the Fire Brigade services will play against the Garda. The match is then followed by a barbecue. She encourages people to come to the event for support. It is held in memory of her late father Frank O’ Farrell.

Louise discusses of the cost and availability of tickets and how the previous events over the years were very successful. They are raising close to 4,000 Euro for the service. The event is expected to attract between 200-300 people.


Duration: 07'40" DATE: July 3, 2013
Interviewer:John Healy
Producer:John Healy
Interviewee:Louise O'Farrell
Themes:Community Events
Keywords:frank o'farrell, civil service cricket club, phoenix park, louise o'farrell, charity cricket, memorial cup cricket, st francis hospice, fire brigade versus garda
LocationPhoenix Park Dublin Time Period:2013
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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