Tales of Medievil Dublin 2013


GILLIAN KENNY of Friends of Medievil Dublin joins Pat Meehan to discuss “Tales of Medievil Dublin”. A series of talks that have been run each year since 2010. All of the talks are free to the public.

Gillian outlines some of the talks, in particular one based on Medievil coins. Seperately, Gillian will give a talk on the Black death. She gives us a brief history of the impact of the Black Death in Dublin. She tells that an interesting fact is that the Gaelic population seemed to avoid the black death much better than the non-Gaelic people. Gillian also shares the fact that the black death is still prevalent in todays society both in North America and in other countries, although it can now be treated and contained and yields a death rate of roughly 10% compared to 90% when it plagued Europe.

There are also talks on Silken Thomas and the siege of Dublin and The coronation of Lambert Symnal. Gillian also states that Medievil is currently quite “Trendy” as a result of TV programmes such as The Tudors and Game of Thrones.


Duration: 12'58" DATE: June 17, 2013
Interviewer:Pat Meehan
Producer:Yvette Reid
Interviewee:Gillian Kenny
Themes:Irish Life & Culture, Community Events
Keywords:Medievil dublin, Public talks on Medievil dublin, medievil talk, silken thomas, the black death in Ireland, Tales of medievil Ireland, Dublin City Council,
LocationDublin Time Period:2013
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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