BARRY JOYCE of the Dublin Gay Mens Choir [crackle and interference on phone line and drop out at beginning of interview] joins Eoin Drinan to discuss their upcoming performance “Summer Serenade” a concert of 30 men performing in the CHQ building. They perform a collection of songs from Sinatra to The Script along with some…
Barbara Jennings joins PAULA KENNEDY at the Graphic Studio Gallery to discuss the upcoming exhibition featuring the work of Jean Barton. Other artists exhibiting include Margaret Becker and Bernadette ...
27 Nov 2013
AIDAN O’TOOLE joins Noel McGuinness to discuss the Donnycarney Tradfest and what it aims to be. Aidan explains how the initiative came about through a committee and Aodhan O ...
07 Jun 2013
Noel interviews CIARAN MURRAY about the new programming for 2012 at ...
23 Dec 2011
Former Fine Gael TD, TERENCE FLANAGAN joins Ger Leddin. Terence talks about his feelings on the Abortion Rites Campaign press statement. He states that he were “gravely disappointed by the ...
04 Jul 2013
Noel McGuinness interviews ORLA CROWE, Co-founder of Blossom Ireland, who won the Local Legend Award for the Dublin area, and she explains the work they do at Blossom Ireland and ...
28 Jan 2014