JOHN LYONS, Labour Councillor speaks to John Healy about a recent survey for unemployment in Dublin North West reaching 23%. John talks about the amount of jobs lost between 2008 and 2010 in the area, how people under 25 are particularly vulnerable in dealing with unemployment, the hopes of jobs being created in the milk…
Noel McGuinness is joined in studio by DARINA SHOULDICE. Darina is a member of the organising Committee for Darndale Arts Fest running from June 15th to 19th. Darina highlights ...
09 Jun 2015
Eoin Drynan speaks to GARETH CROWE from Gorta Ireland about the upcoming Soup Week in March 2013. They discuss the purpose of the campaign and mention how 5c for ...
28 Feb 2013
GREGORY T ANGELO speaks to Eoin Drinan about the Log Cabin Republicans movement who represent LGBT republicans in America. Gregory shares the history of the formation of the group ...
05 Sep 2013
CRAIG COX delivers a brief explanation of the way in NAMA works. The National Asset Management Agency (NAMA) was established in 2009 as one of a number of initiatives ...
30 Mar 2012
SUSAN KIRBY, organiser of the Bram Stoker Festival joins John Healy. Bram Stoker, who wrote Dracula, was born and raised in Dublin. Susan says Dracula story has influenced modern ...
16 Oct 2013