Learning about “fromthestudioof.com”


Eoin Drinan speaks to AILBHE MCCORMACK about her blog “Fromthestudioof.com”, an insight into an artist’s studio.

Ailbhe explains where the idea came from, the places that artist can get their inspiration from, how she visits artists as part of her own work and the idea of her blog to allow fellow artists to explore each other’s work.




Duration: 08'31" DATE: March 21, 2013
Interviewer:Eoin Drinan
Producer:Eoin Drinan
Interviewee:Ailbhe McCormack
Themes:Local Arts & Culture
Keywords:fromthestudioof.com, art, blogs, inspiration,
LocationIreland Time Period:2013
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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