AMY YIN ZANG speaks to Yvette Reid about the plans for the Dublin Chinese New Year Festival in 2013. They also discuss the Dublin Chinese Film Festival 2013 and the films that will be shown as part of this festival. They discuss the meaning of the “Year of the Snake” which is the Chinese year…
Noel speaks to CORMAC LOWTH from the Irish Maritime Archaeological Society about the history of the Trawlers of Ringsend. He talks about the lecture to be given in the ...
30 Oct 2015
RACHEL O’BYRNE of the Lir Theatre speaks to Noel McGuinness about the theatre’s graduate programme and their new production of “Mary Stewart” – a very modern adaptation of an ...
29 Nov 2013
Pat Meehan talks to BARRY KENNERK about his new book, which is on the history of Moore Street entitled ‘Moore Street: The Story of Dublin’s Market District’. The book charts ...
05 Nov 2012
Lord Mayor CHRISTY BURKE talks to Noel McGuinnesss about his work. The subjects of homelessness, volunteering, grafitti, and funding are all covered. CHRISTY also speaks out about the need ...
29 Jul 2014
Mark speaks to LEENY VOX, DANIEL SENTANA LIEDÓ and ANA FERREIRO PAZ who are U2 fans from Spain and the USA who came to Dublin to see the band’s ...
23 Nov 2015