Pat Meehan speaks to John from Irish charity “Camara” in light of them reaching their half million mark in terms of helping children access technology in Africa. We hear the history of the organisation since 2005 and some of their plans for reaching the two million mark by 2016. We hear of how prevalent technology…
Ronnie O’Brian speaks to NIALL HATCH from Bird watch Ireland about the ” Roseate Tern” a sea bird that come to Ireland in the summer ...
11 Jun 2011
PHIL HARRINGTON, CEO of music festival YouBloom joins Eoin Drinan to discuss the festival and its aims. He explains that the festival is a showcase for upcoming bands which ...
27 Jun 2013
Noel speaks to DAVID KELLY about the Dublin Currach Regatta at East Wall. He speaks about the traditional uses of the currach before they were used for racing, the ...
13 Jun 2014
BRENDAN TEELING, Deputy City Librarian of Dublin City Libraries, joins Pat Meehan to discuss the upcoming Dublin Festival of History. Brendan says 70,000 history books were borrowed from Dublin ...
23 Sep 2013
MARTIN DOYLE Fingal Council Sports Department Football Development Officer talks to Noel McGuinness about a new approach to getting people involved in sports. He says: “We have a team ...
11 Sep 2015