Barbara Jennings speaks to storyteller PAT SPEIGHT [SLIGHT DISTORTION ON PRESENTER VOICE] via telephone.Pat tells some stories including an anecdote about a genie and a wish and a pig with a wooden leg.…
Wheelchair user BRENDAN CREAN talks to Noel McGuinness about the protests against the Iarnród Éireann/Irish Rail plan to remove staff from Kilbarrack train station. Brian believes it could bring ...
22 Sep 2015
John Healy speaks to DAVID BURKE of Fresh Start – a project aimed at helping people get back into the workplace through career preparation. They are based in the ...
03 Sep 2012
Local singer songwriter and member of the band Lir DAVID McGUINNESS talks to Noel McGuinness about the forthcoming Nick Drake Tribute concert in aid of Aware Ireland. David says ...
25 Nov 2014
GER LEDDIN reports from the 2013 Derry Festival of Light. Derry is the UK City of Culture 2013. He details the purpose of the festival and gives a brief ...
02 Dec 2013
Noel speaks to PADDY DUFFY, author of the book “Do You Know Who’s Dead?” He talks about the documentary series he’s doing about Barack Obama, the motorway culture in ...
10 Nov 2015