Barbara speaks about Culture Night 2012 live from Lemon Jelly restaurant on Millennium way[REPORTER PHONE CRACKLE PRESENT THROUGHOUT]. She speaks to DERMOT MCLOUGHLIN who started Culture Night originally back in 2004 as a small event which has since grown into a very large annual project. They speak about the history of the event and more…
CONOR HANRATTY talks to Noel McGuinness about “Drums and Guns”, a production that commemorates World War 1 and the Easter Rising. It features students from the Royal Irish Academy ...
26 Feb 2016
SIOBHAN O’DONOVAN, organiser of ‘Doggie Do’ talks to Noel McGuinness about the forthcoming event. The Doggie Do is an upcoming dog festival that will take place this September 12 ...
28 Jul 2015
Eoin Drinan speaks to AILBHE MCCORMACK about her blog “”, an insight into an artist’s studio. Ailbhe explains where the idea came from, the places that artist can get ...
21 Mar 2013
Pat Meehan speaks to FERGUS COONEY & STEPHEN FAY from Howth coast guard about becoming a new volunteer & what the training involves to become a ...
05 Mar 2015
Singer DAVID McGUINNESS comes into the studio to chat to Noel McGuinness about the forthcoming Barretstown fundraising gig and to sing a couple of songs. The songs are at ...
27 Mar 2012