Claim our Future’s Plan B for fixing our economy


Ronnie O’Brien speaks to part of the group “Claiming our Future”. The group lobbies to create a more sustainable Ireland. They discuss the group’s “Plan B” (Plan A being the government’s plan to fix the economy). They speak about the details of the alternative plan that they have put together and the changes they would suggest to taxation in order to reduce the fiscal deficit.

They finish up by speaking about the students that she lectures and the points system in place when it comes to receiving college placements and the overall education system and her feelings of it’s shortcomings.

Duration: 16'55" DATE: July 19, 2012
Interviewer:Ronnie O'Brien
Producer:Paula Wiseman
Interviewee:Mary Murphy
Themes:Irish Life & Culture, Local Current Affairs
Keywords:national pension reserve fund, claiming our future, alternative plan, government, renewable energy, taxation, DR. MARY MURPHY
LocationIreland Time Period:2012
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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