Legislation against FMG Required


GRACE WILENTZ, NEAR FM Cultural Coordinator, and PEG McMANUS from the Intercultural Group tell Pat Meehan what’s coming up on the Culture Shots programme.

A major issue under the microscope is FGM (Female Genital Mutilation). It is estimated that some 3000 women in Ireland have undergone this ritual, many of them being abducted in order to undergo this ordeal either in Dublin or even abroad.

There is now a campaign to try and introduce legislation to make this practice illegal in Ireland.

Duration: 10'55" DATE: March 9, 2012
Interviewer:Pat Meehan
Producer:Zandra Ball
Interviewee:Grace Wilentz & Peg McManus
Themes:Local News
Keywords:Female Genital Mutilation, FMG, Campaign, Legislation, Abductions
LocationIreland Time Period:2012
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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