FERGUS CARROLL reports live from Scotland the cricket match between Ireland and Scotland (Part of the emission)…
John Healy speaks to DIARMUID O’SULLIVAN of Older and Bolder discussing the groups work with elderly people. They begin by talking about the recent cuts in home help funding ...
17 Oct 2012
Lord Mayor CHRISTY BURKE talks to Noel McGuinnesss about his work. The subjects of homelessness, volunteering, grafitti, and funding are all covered. CHRISTY also speaks out about the need ...
29 Jul 2014
Barbara speaks to DONNAGH CAHILL from the Irish Georgian Society. He talks about how the society works, the history of the building, the use of the building now including ...
14 Oct 2015
Eoin Drinan speaks to Doctor DAVID PEARCE microbiologist from the British Antarctic Survey about the project and where it began. They speak about how “waterbodies” found in the area ...
20 Sep 2012
Sabrina interviews ASHLING McCORMACK, musical director of the Discovery Gospel Choir, that are celebrating the 10th anniversary of this intercultural music project. They gather 16 different nationalities, with the fusion of ...
03 Mar 2014