Mark Finnegan speaks to PAUL MC AULIFFE from Fianna Fail about the events surrounding president Higgins recent visit to Colaiste Eoin in Finglas. They talk about the effort that was put in to the visit from both student’s & teachers & how the atmosphere was changed because of the protesting against President Higgins signing the…
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Ronnie O’Brien speaks to part of the group “Claiming our Future”. The group lobbies to create a more sustainable Ireland. They discuss the group’s “Plan B” (Plan A being the ...
19 Jul 2012
Eoin Drinan speaks to AILBHE MCCORMACK about her blog “”, an insight into an artist’s studio. Ailbhe explains where the idea came from, the places that artist can get ...
21 Mar 2013
DIANE KELLY, who is the anti trafficking officer at the Immigrant Council of Ireland, explains how the council is lobbying to make it illegal to purchase sex indoors in Ireland. As ...
28 Nov 2012
Author KATHLEEN DOYLE and director GERARD RONAN join John Healy in studio to discuss Kathleen’s book “What would Ma say” and the process of adapting it for the stage. ...
02 Oct 2013
Crisis Mapper PATRICK MEIER speaks to Eoin Drinan about his website, Patrick talks about the evolution of the idea over the previous five years, some of the challenges of crisis ...
11 Jul 2013