Report From The Paris Climate Summit

Noel speaks to WILLIAM HEDERMAN, a journalist reporting from the Paris Climate Summit. He talks about the situation he and many other activists are in due to the high security in France following the Paris attacks, the people organising the protests, how they plan to assemble under the circumstances, other ways to protest climate change,…

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Dublin Fire Brigade Protest

Near FM volunteer STELLA GEBAUER reports from the protests that took place the 9th of April to defend the work of the Dublin Fire Brigade. The workers are worried that the ambulance service could be taken from them and given to the National Ambulance Service; all the firefighters in Dublin are trained as paramedics and they defend…

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Priory Hall Residents Association

Pat Meehan speaks to GRAHAM USHER of the Priory Hall Residents Association about the latest updates in the campaign, and about a march that took place in support of the residents to raise awareness that they are still living in rented accommodation which is being paid for by Dublin City Council. Priory Hall is a…

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Protest against sewage plant in Clochran

JOE JONES speaks to Gerry Cooley about a sewage plant that is planned to be installed in Clochran. The proposal is for a giant sewage treatment plant. Joe is requesting for people to put in an objection to the plant. His disagreement is that the plant will have a huge impact on the local residents…

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Occupy Dame Street Camp

RONNIE O’BRIEN has a piece from CRAIG COX on the Occupy Dame Street Campaign, with interviews with activists who were taking part in the protest camp set in the city centre of Dublin. The campaign was inspired by the broader, international Occupy Movement which began in the United States as Occupy Wall Street in September…

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