The Peter McVerry Trust and World Homeless Day 2013

ANNE MARIE CONNOLLY of the Peter McVerry Trust joins Noel McGuinness on the eve of World Homeless Day 2013.She tells Noel about of some of the events the Trust organised to mark the occasion, including a treasure hunt, a schools’ rugby competition, Tesco collections and a Zombie Run at Marino College. A number of sponsored…

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Father Peter McVerry: Homelessness is Alive and Well in Ireland 2013

Father PETER McVERRY joins Yvette Reid to discuss the 30th anniversary of the Peter McVerry Trust. Father McVerry says it is tragic that the organisation is still needed as homelessness should have been eradicated many years ago. They discuss the “Opening Doors” appeal running in conjunction with the 30th anniversary. Fund raising activities include charity…

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The Long Walk Home 2013 – Grand canal challenge

JOANNE LINDSAY MARTIN of the Peter McVerry Trust joins Noel McGuinness to discuss “The Long Walk Home” – a charity walk from Shannon harbour to Dublin along the Grand Canal, covering roughly 20kilometres a day. Joanne shares some stories and details from the previous years walk from Shannon to Dublin. She shares specific details of…

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Peter McVerry Trust – Homelessness in Dublin update

PAT DOYLE of the Peter McVerry Trust joins Pat Meehan to give an update on the homelessness situation in Dublin. Pat explains that the numbers of homeless has risen since 2011. The trust has opened a new hostel in 2012. The city council has opened a new hostel. If you cannot get a bed on any…

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