Mark Finnegan talks to MARK FLYNN pf MIC. MIC offers ‘portfolio courses to people who have dropped out of formal education. Entrants achieve a Fetac level 5 in anything from Sound Engineering or film-making to web and graphic design. Modules are also being offered now in c ommunications technology. The courses include modules on teamwork…
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JOE MOONEY of the East Wall History group talks Yvette Reid. Joe begins by outlining the history of the 1913 ‘Lockout’. It seems that many East Wall families ...
30 Sep 2013
AMAY VAN WYLICK, Coordinator for Culture Night speaks to Noel McGuinness in the run up to the event. They discuss some of the major attractions of the festival including ...
13 Sep 2013
AMY YIN ZANG speaks to Yvette Reid about the plans for the Dublin Chinese New Year Festival in 2013. They also discuss the Dublin Chinese Film Festival 2013 and ...
07 Feb 2013
PAUL MURRAY, Biographer of Bram Stoker talks to NOEL McGUINNESS about Bram Stokers Centenary. Paul was commissioned to write a biography of Stoker in the 1990s. There were many ...
04 Jul 2012
Noel speaks to NATHALIE MOYANO GONZĂLEZ, Director of the Dublin Flamenco Festival. She talks about some of the dancers coming to the festival that helped develop Flamenco dancing, the ...
02 Oct 2015