Art Exhibition in the Graphic Studio Gallery

From the Graphic Studio Gallery, Barbara is speaking MARGARET TUFFY and PAULA KENNEDY. Margaret is one of the 3 artists exhibiting their work in the gallery and Paula is the gallery manager. Margaret describes what her work is based on, what influences her to investigate her work further and how she made her pieces. She also talks about…

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Aramu Muru exhibition at the Graphic Studio Gallery

Barbara interviews swedish graphic artist LARS WIKSTROM about his latest exhibition at the Graphic Studio Gallery, called “Aramu Muru”. They are 18 woodcuts inspired by Aramu Muru in Haya Marca, near Lake Titicaca in Peru; it reflects the Inca culture and the spiritual world attached to it…

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Irish artist Gwen O’ Dowd and the Graphic Studio Gallery

Barbara Jennings speaks to GWEN O’DOWD at the Graphic Studio Gallery in Temple bar, Dublin. They speak about the print facility itself and the services it offers.  [REPORTER PHONE SLIGHT BUZZ ON LINE] Gwen is working at the studio with master printers who assist in her work. They discuss some of Gwen’s work at the studio including…

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