Noel Mc Guinness speaks to PATRICK FINNEGAN from the North County leader newspaper for this weeks stories, which include Anger at protest behavior which was held by anti water charges protesters who blocked the car park exists of Fingal County council offices & refused to move. Patrick also talks about Malahide sea scouts celebrating 40…
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JOHN HEALY speaks to LORCAN O’ TOOLE about Fingal County Council proposing to erect a huge sewage plant in the Rush/ Lusk area of North County Dublin. Residents are ...
30 Nov 2011
MARK FINNEGAN and NOEL McGUINNESS discuss the current state of morale amongst protesters who are determined to stop water charges being introduced. Eye-witness reports, unadulterated by national media agendas, ...
21 Nov 2014
Pat speaks to CIARAN HEAPHY and FRANKIE KEOGH from the Dublin Northeast Remember 1916 Committee on their plan to commemorate 1916. They talk about how they came together to start planning ...
05 Nov 2015
BARBARA JENNINGS speaks to traders Margaret, Stephen & Marie from Moore Street about how the street has changed over the years & about the cost & struggle of keeping ...
21 Sep 2011
STEVE RENN, Northside Councillor, talks about Local Drug Units being scrapped within the Guards. Steve believes it is a short sighted measure and will only add to drug addiction ...
05 Mar 2012