Noel talks to TINA from the Domestic Workers’ Action Group about human rights abuses, exploitation, and discrimination perpetrated on foreign domestic workers by unscrupulous employers in Ireland. New legislation has been passed here, ratifying EU laws on exploitation, but the abuse goes on. The DWAG continues to campaign for change, but it’s hard to prosecute…
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Barbara Jennings interviews BIRCH HAMILTON about Digital Biscuit a meeting that tries to present all the technological advances regarding the film industry. Set up by the screen directors guild of ...
15 Jan 2014
Paula speaks to PADDY CULLIVAN about the Johnathan Swift inspired satire festival in Trim. They discuss the origins of the festival, who is on the line up and what ...
05 Jul 2012
JOHN HEALY speaks to PAT MEEHAN about pyrite in a Donnycarney complex & how Dublin City Council had to remove tenants from their homes & then rehouse them in ...
05 Oct 2011
John Healy interviews DEIRDRE WALSH from St Michaels House, about the Christmas Pop-up Shop to raise money for the two centre of Santry Centres, and how the service users decided to help ...
02 Apr 2014
Sabrina Ryan interviews COLIN MURPHY co-author of the book “20 things to do in Dublin before you go for feckin’ pint” . This is a collaborative project of himself ...
24 Feb 2014