Amanda Ni Ghabhann reports from the official opening of the Belmayne Allotments. VANESSA CAREY, project manager, DAVE DINNIGAN, area manager and Deputy Major BRIAN MCDOWELL take turns to thank all the people involved in the project. It took 18 months to get the project running, so people from the area had space to have a garden, somewhere they could go…
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Mark Finnegan speaks to AMANDA MC LOUGHLIN & TOM KENNEDY who is an insolvency practitioner from Insolvency Service of Ireland. They speak about how people can manage their money debt’s ...
16 Feb 2015
Pat Meehan talks to local historian DENIS MCINTYRE about the proposed sale of Bram Stoker’s house in Marino Crescent. Denis argues that Bram Stoker, author of Dracula, should be ...
20 Feb 2012
Noel speaks to DAVID MOORE from Astronomy Ireland. He talks about the background to Astronomy Ireland, the events that they run annually, their telescopic sights of the International Space ...
06 Nov 2015
Noel McGuinness interviews Counselor DARRAGH BUTLER from the Fingal County Council about the factors influencing coastal erosion at Portrane and the alternative plans for Metro ...
14 Jan 2014
Noel interviews CIARAN MURRAY about the new programming for 2012 at ...
23 Dec 2011