SORCHA MELLON, education support officer of SCOOP (Supporting Children Out Of Poverty) talks to Mark Finnegan about the forthcoming screening of the film ‘A River Changes Course’ at the Sugar Club in Dublin. The film is a documentary about the effects of globalisation on the poorest people in the world. She also talks about SCOOP’s…
Photowalks in Glasnevin Cemetery
PAUL FREENEY, photographer, talks to Noel McGuinness about his Photowalk through Glasnevin Cemetery and the Botanic Gardens. “Our first Photowalk happened way back in 2009 with a small group of just five people. Since then we have led groups, big and small, at dawn, in the snow, at night and in locations not just in…
Profile of Social enterprise organisation Clann Credo
Ronnie O’Brien speaks to PAUL O SULLIVAN CEO of Clann Credo, a social investment fund. Paul explains what the company does, as a social initiative. They talk about capital being put to work to help people as well as to satisfy its own needs. They are a social enterprise that deals in finance. They ask…
Liberties Festival 2013
MICHAEL CONLAN, an organizer of the Liberties Festival joins Noel McGuinness to talk about the upcoming Liberties festival and what it entails for the year 2013. Michael talks about some of the events in the festival such as a concert at St. Patrick’s festival, the purpose of the festival for the people in the Liberties area of Dublin, the…

Hands Up for Children Campaign
Mark speaks to ROSEMARY GAFFNEY, Principal of St. Joseph’s National School; LOUISE MCGUIRK from Doras Bui and NOEL KELLY from the Northside Partnership about the Hands Up for Children campaign. They talk about the influence they’re trying to put to ministers about the need for funding children, the delight of the parents over the campaign, how…

The Tuesday Night Sports Show – Barry Massey, Greystones Golf Club
Dublin Seven
Pat speaks with FRANKIE GAFFNEY, author of “Dublin Seven” He talks about the theme of the book, the process of publishing the book, the plot of the book, the possibilities of a sequel and what brought him to start writing. He also talks about his upbringing and the difficulty of authors getting their first works…
Live from the Right to Water charge march, Dublin city
Flavia Goretta reports from Dublin city, we hear extracts from speeches, and from individual people taking part in the protest have their say also…
The Howth, Sutton and Baldoyle chamber of commerce
PAUL BRADY, president of the Howth Sutton Baldoyle chamber of commerce, speaks to Barbara Jennings about the ongoing work in the area. They begin by discussing the walking trails around Howth. They discuss the beauty of the area and how the walking trails are a safe place to visit. They move on to discuss the…
Occupy Dame Street campaign
CRAIG COX reports from the Occupy Dame Street campaign, who got a lot of support following the example of the Occupy Wall Street movement…
Campaign against Household and Water Taxes
JOHN LYONS updates John Healy on the current campaign against property and water tax. He speaks about the number of people who have boycotted the property charge. He speaks of the government handing over 1 Billion in October 2012 to bondholders. They discuss what would happen if the property tax was abolished or dropped and they discuss…
Community Workers Cooperative and Climate Justice
ANN IRWIN from the Community Workers Cooperative (established in 1981) talks about climate Justice Report and disadvantaged communities. The cooperative is a national organisation. The organisation has recently lost its funding for staff. It is now operated purely on a voluntary basis. Climate issues are issues for community work, says Ann. This is because those…

What is Finglas Heritage Trail?
JACKIE O’REILLY joins Pat Meehan to discuss the launch of the Finglas Heritage Trail, a trail of fourteen heritage sites. The trail was officially launched by councillor Naoise O’Muiri along with Dublin City Council. They move on to discuss the book “The Peoples Portrait” of Finglas. Jackie carries on to explain the tour itself and how one…
Bikes Break into the Mainstream at Fr Collins Park
Bike week is taking place next week and there are a series of events scheduled around the country from June 16 to 24th 2012. These events have been organised by community groups, charities and cycling circles. PETER O’BRIEN, organiser of the Fr. Collins Park, Dublin bash, talks to Noel McGuinness Yestival! launches bike week on…
Birdwatch Ireland
Ronnie O’Brian speaks to NIALL HATCH from Bird watch Ireland about the ” Roseate Tern” a sea bird that come to Ireland in the summer months…