Noel speaks to Cllr. MICHAEL O’BRIEN from the Anti Austerity Alliance about the removal of a literacy post in TARGET, Donaghmede. He talks the situation where the Education and Training Board is not funding a replacement for TARGET, the disruption that it may cause to people taking adult education in the area and the lack of…
LIFT Youth Arts Festival Rocks Ballymun
EMMA CONNORS, the Arts Development Coordinator at Axis, Ballymun talks to Noel McGuinness about the forthcoming 7th LIFT Youth Arts Festival in Ballymun. Thousands of young people take part in projects at Axis each year. Some of these – aged 16 – 17 years – form part of the Festival’s organising committee. They present workshops,…
Dublin City Local Economic and Community Plan 2016 – 2021
HELEN O’LEARY from Dublin City Council chats to Mark Finnegan about the Dublin City Local Economic and Community Plan 2016 – 2021. The first Local Economic and Community Plan is being developed for Dublin City setting out high level goals, objectives and actions needed to promote and support economic development and local and community development…
Tommy Broughan Talks About North Dublin Fuel Pipeline Plan
TOMMY BROUGHAN TD talks to Pat Meehan about the plan build a 16 kilometre jet fuel pipeline in Dublin which has been called “crazy”. The plan would see a pipeline built from Dublin Port to Dublin Airport, along the route of the Malahide Road, before cutting across Belcamp and up to the airport. It would…
DCTV and the Irish TV Digital “Switch-over”
John speaks to CIARÁN MOORE from Dublin Community Television. They begin by explaining the difference between community television and commercial television. Ciarán explains how and where DCTV broadcasts, and then how the switch-over to digital will affect the station as well as what it is likely to change with the digital introduction. Ciarán explains what has happened in the…
INMO Support Call For Industrial Action at Beaumont
LORRAINE MONAGHAN, Industrial Relations Officer of the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation, talks to Mark Finnegan about industrial action being taken at Beaumont Hospital. The action is being taken by INMO members in an attempt to end severe and unsafe overcrowding within the Emergency Department. INMO members have been left with no other choice but…

Hay Literary and Arts festival, Kells Co. Meath 2013
GER GAUGHRAN tells Eoin Drinan about the upcoming Hay Festival in Kells, Meath. We hear that this brand of Arts and Literary festival started in Wales. In 2011 the chamber of commerce contacted the festival committee about organising a Hay festival in Kells and after two years work this is the first Irish event. Ger…
Learning about the School of Cookery, Artane
BRENDAN O’NEILL, founder of The School of Cookery Artane joins Noel in studio to discuss what the business does. He begins by speaking of previously being a chef in the Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin and also coaching the National Cullinary team for exhibitions. He speaks of his passion for showing people that cooking is “easy” and…
The Woodland League discuss Coilltes sale of forest areas
ANDREW ST. LEDGER of “The Woodland League” speaks to Ronnie O’Brien about lobbying for a public enquiry into the Coillte public assets stripping. Andrew speaks of looking at Coilltes accounts and discovering that large numbers of areas of woodland had been sold off to pension funds. They speak of sales going to the Irish Forest…
Near FM & MediaCorp Intercultural Project Goes On
GRACE WILENTZ pops in to update Noel McGuinness on the progress of the Near FM & MediaCorp Intercultural Project. With her she has two members of the latest group to come together: Louise, from Brazil, and Claire, from Drogheda. At this point there are 17 participants in the project. They are learning a wide range…
The “College View” From DCU – 2013
AOIFE MULLEN, editor of “The College View” in Dublin City University joins Sabrina Ryan. Aoife speaks about issues affecting students, beginning with the affect of recent budget changes to Jobseekers benefit for people under 24, and €25million being cut from third level education. As a result of the latter, the contribution fee which students pay…
St Vincent De Paul
JOHN HEALY speaks with MARY MC MAHON from St Vincent De Paul about a volunteer meeting which is taking place on the 8/9/2011 in Sean Macdermott Street. They are looking for new volunteers to train with their organisation. Mary talks about the work they do & the people they help…
Life From The College Point Of View: News From DCU
SARAH BERMINGHAM, news editor of DCU’s College View newspaper joins Sabrina Ryan to share what are the main topics of this weeks newspaper. Sarah tells that the main article deals with antisocial behaviour attributed to DCU students in the local neighbourhoods surrounding DCU. They discuss whether DCU students are as troublesome as some other institutions…
Mature Artists Show Their Stuff at Axis, Ballymun
Roving reporter FELICITY KEARNY talks to some of the artists at the opening of North Central Dublin’s Bealtaine Art Exhibition. North Dublin Group art exhibition launched on Tuesday May 5th at 2pm in the Axis Arts Centre, Ballymun. The exhibition displays the wealth of talent and invention existing in the art groups and individuals over…
Preserving Steam Technology In An Electric Age
FERGUS McDONNELL and MARTINA HAND of the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland (RPSI) chat to Mark Finnegan. The RPSI was formed in 1964 (they celebrated our 50th Anniversary in 2014) to preserve in working order steam locomotives and other rolling stock built for the Irish railway system from 1850 to the present day. The RPSI…