Howth Coast Guard report

PAUL COOPER, Deputy Officer with the Howth Coast Guard, warns against people lighting Chinese lanterns, as they are being mistaken for distress flares. Paul asks members of the public to call the Coast Guard if they are about to light Chinese lanterns. Presenter Pat Meehan also asks Paul about the Coast Guard units in Ireland. Paul…

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Great Music in Irish Houses 2012

Barbara speaks to LAURIE CARR about “Great Music in Irish houses” over the summer of 2012.  She spoke of the beautiful houses that they have held music events in, including Kilruddery House, The College of Surgeons as well as the National Concert Hall.  Laurie spoke about the  composer Steve Reich, whose percussion piece “drumming” will be performed…

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Northside Mediation Services

RONNIE O’ BRIEN speaks to VALERIE GAUGHRAN from the mediation services about the work they do and about a new bill that was brought in, in 2010 called mediation & conciliation bill which means anybody considering going to court on domestic issues has to first seek mediation counciling…

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Dublin Festival of History 2013

Tara Doyle, organiser of the Dublin Festival of History, joins Eoin Drinan to discuss this year’s programme of events. Tara says the idea is to create spaces for people to attend workshops with authors and historians and talk around historical topics. Tara says there has been a lot of interest from people travelling to Ireland…

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Sean Haughey On FF Ticket For Dublin Bay North

Fianna Fáil has now decided to add Councillor Sean Haughey to the ticket in the Dublin Bay North constituency. SEAN HAUGHEY chats here with Mark Finnegan about issues that will be important in the forthcoming 2015 election. Mr Haughey said: “I am very honoured to be nominated as FF candidate. I am deeply committed to…

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Sing Project at Axis in Ballymun

What a night it was on Wednesday 19 December in Axis, Ballymun when the combined voices of the National Chamber Choir and the Sing project participants joined forces in a celebratory carol service under the baton of Paul Hillier. The finale was the whole auditorium singing Silent Night and O come all you faithful, spine…

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Victims Of Abuse On Camping Trips In The 70’s and 80’s

Noel speaks to COLM BRACKEN and PAUL O’TOOLE who were victims of abuse on camping trips in the 70’s and 80’s. They talk about how proud they feel now after finally getting justice from their experiences, their thoughts about how all these other cases are brought to attention, especially involving the church, their outrage over how…

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LIFT Youth Arts Festival Rocks Ballymun

EMMA CONNORS, the Arts Development Coordinator at Axis, Ballymun talks to Noel McGuinness about the forthcoming 7th LIFT Youth Arts Festival in Ballymun. Thousands of young people take part in projects at Axis each year. Some of these – aged 16 – 17 years – form part of the Festival’s organising committee. They present workshops,…

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