Complaints for Garth Brooks Concerts in Croke Park

Pat Meehan interviews ROBBIE COUSINS resident of the Croke Park Area about the proposal to hold 5 Garth Brooks concerts in Croke Park this summer. He denounces that they had agreed with the GAA that if they exceeded the amount of three concerts in a year, they would let them know if it was OK with them, and that…

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The role of an Air Traffic Controller and a preview of Flightfest 2013

PAUL MCCANN, Dublin Air Traffic Control Operations Manager speaks to Noel McGuinness about his work as part of the Irish Aviation Authority. On this occasion he joins Noel to speak specifically about the upcoming Flightfest 2013. Paul explains about his job, operating air traffic throughout Dublin airspace, controlling roughly 60 miles around Dublin airport. They…

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Live Aid 30th Anniversary – The Memories Live On

Live Aid was staged on Saturday, July 13, 1985. About 75 different acts performed live for about 170,000 people in London and Philadelphia. Meanwhile, an estimated 1.5 billion people in 110 countries watched it via a live television stream from 13 satellites. More than 40 nations also held telethons for African famine relief during the…

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Increased protection for domestic workers

Noel talks to TINA from the Domestic Workers’ Action Group about human rights abuses, exploitation, and discrimination perpetrated on foreign domestic workers by unscrupulous employers in Ireland. New legislation has been passed here, ratifying EU laws on exploitation, but the abuse goes on. The DWAG continues to campaign for change, but it’s hard to prosecute…

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A Very East Wall Christmas (2012)

ANGELA BRODERICK, Chair of the East Wall Residents’ Association chats to Noel McGuinness about events in East Wall starting tomorrow December 7, 2012). At the weekend Paddy the Butchers was turned into Santa’s Grotto for a day, so you know that the Christmas season has truly begun. Santa’s visit to Paddy’s is an East Wall…

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Learning about the Ballymun rediscovery centre

Barbara Jennings joins SARAH SINGLETON at the Ballymun Rediscovery center. Sarah tells Barbara how they work with paint, bikes, furniture and fashion and aim to regenerate and recycle these materials. They discuss redesigning clothes, such as wedding dresses and debs dresses and turning them into completely different items. Their output designs are for sale in a…

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Pensioners Receive Pension Tax Bills by Post

MAIREAD HAYES of the Senior Citizens’ parliament discusses the taxing of state pensions with NOEL McGuinness. Under new rules under Section 261, the Department of Social Protection has started taxing State Pensions regardless of the marital status or health status of those in receipt of the pensions. In some cases the sums are as low…

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Father Peter McVerry: Homelessness is Alive and Well in Ireland 2013

Father PETER McVERRY joins Yvette Reid to discuss the 30th anniversary of the Peter McVerry Trust. Father McVerry says it is tragic that the organisation is still needed as homelessness should have been eradicated many years ago. They discuss the “Opening Doors” appeal running in conjunction with the 30th anniversary. Fund raising activities include charity…

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The Integration Centre on the “Putting people First” document

Ronnie O’Brien speaks to KILLIAN FORDE of the Integration Centre. They begin by discussing a document released by Minister Phil Hogan called “Putting people first” and what the results of this set of policies will be. They discuss any difference in integration throughout this period. They discuss some of the differences in modern day immigration…

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The release of the Insolvency Bill

John Healy speaks to DAVID HALL from New Beginnings, whose primary focus is to arrange representation for people facing re-possession in front of the courts.  70 Solicitors and Barristers, offering their services free of charge, are assisting the public through the organisation to help them through the process. They speak of their dealings with the banks,…

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Law & Mediation Center Coolock

John Healy speaks to ROSS PALMER from community law & mediation in the civic center here in Coolock.  They have been in Coolock  for the past forty years ,originally known as Coolock law center & then renamed a couple of years later as North side community law center . They have widened their services over…

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Should slapping children be made illegal in Ireland?

Doctor ANNE MARIE HALPENNY of DIT’s Early Childhood education programme, joins Ger Leddin to discuss a recent call on the government, made by the Children Rights Alliance, to ban violence against children within the home, aimed at discouraging slapping or physical punishment in the disciplining of children in the home. Anne Marie speaks of  a…

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EU Presidency 2012 – Day Three: The Fianna Fáil View

The Presidency of the Council of the European Union is responsible for the functioning of the Council of the European Union, the upper house of the EU legislature. It rotates among the member states of the EU every six months. The presidency is not an individual, but rather the position is held by a national…

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