RONAN O’NEILL of Brown Bag Films and event organisaer of the Equinox Charity Cycle talks to Noel about this, the fourth year that the event takes place. Equinox cyclists use the 12-hour days opf the Autumn equinox to cycle across Ireland – coast to coast – in a sponsored event that raises monies on behalf…
RONNIE O’ BRIEN speaks to PETER O’ BRIEN about the launch of an alcohol free night club in Temple Bar in Dublin City ...
06 Jul 2011
PAUL LOUGHRAN of NEAR FM joins Noel McGuinness to outline NEAR FM’s involvement with Culture night 2013 and the events that they will be facilitating on the night. Paul ...
17 Sep 2013
LORRAINE CLIFFORD LEE talks to Conor Doyle. Fianna Fáil added Lorraine as a second candidate to the party ticket in the Dublin Fingal constituency. Lorraine Clifford Lee, who unsuccessfully ...
01 Oct 2015
Mark Finnegan is talking to GERRY BUCKLEY & PEGGY GALLIGAN from the National Graves Association about their work and the Special Citizens 1916 Commemoration Event on April 24th 2016. ...
07 Mar 2016
ANDREW SMITH Education Officer with St. Patrick’s Cathedral talks to NOEL MC GUINNESS about education programmes and Culture Night events in the Cathedral. ANDREW tells us about the Evensong ...
21 Sep 2012