Financial Cutbacks to Traveller Education


HILLARY HARMEN from Pavee Point speaks to Ronnie O’Brien about cutbacks to traveller education. They discuss how there had been improvements to facilities for Travellers in education, however this has changed coming into 2013. They discuss some details of reports carried out. They talk of cuts to outreach services and also speak to travellers attending deaf schools and non – deaf schools. They talk of disproportionate cuts to the travelling community in the time of recession and the responsibility that the government has to all children.

They talk of the travelling community having a high rate of suicide and the factors that play into this including marginalisation in the education system.

Duration: 08'42" DATE: March 7, 2013
Interviewer:Ronnie O'Brien
Producer:Yvette Reid
Interviewee:Hillary Harmen
Themes:Irish Life & Culture
Keywords:traveller education, pavee point, hillary harmen, educations cuts for travellers, deaf school budget cuts, suicide rates
LocationIreland Time Period:2013
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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