Social Justice Ireland critique Budget 2013


MICHELLE MURPHY of Social Justice Ireland joins Ronnie O’Brien to discuss the government budget 2013. They discuss the difference felt by low earners brought about by changes to PRSI compared to high earners. They talk of “Unearned” income now being taxed by PRSI such as from House Rental. We hear of certain benefits being introduced for road hauliers.

They discuss the increase in emigration and how Ireland is the 4th largest market of unemployed at the time in Europe.

Duration: 13'37" DATE: January 16, 2013
Interviewer:Ronnie O'Brien
Producer:John Healy
Interviewee:Michelle Murphy
Themes:Irish Life & Culture, Local Current Affairs
Keywords:budget 2013 criticism, PRSI increases 2013, emigration ireland,
LocationIreland Time Period:2013
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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