Campaign against Household and Water Taxes


JOHN LYONS updates John Healy on the current campaign against property and water tax. He speaks about the number of people who have boycotted the property charge. He speaks of the government handing over 1 Billion in October 2012 to bondholders. They discuss what would happen if the property tax was abolished or dropped and they discuss the reduction of home help care hours available.

Duration: 17'47" DATE: August 29, 2012
Interviewer:John Healy
Producer:John Healy
Interviewee:John Lyons
Themes:Irish Life & Culture, Local Current Affairs
Keywords:household charge, unregistered properties, property tax, austerity, budgets, bondholders, home help, water charges, Irish Water, Water protests
LocationIreland Time Period:2012
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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