Debra Ireland operates Charity shop on Camden Street, Dublin


Barbara Jennings joins Carmel to discuss Debra Ireland in their charity shop on Camden street and the work that it does. Carmel explains the skin condition and the hardships associated with it. They talk of the slogan “Imagine a world without hugs” and tell how it is inspired by the fact that many people dealing with the condition feel extreme pain when being touched in any way.

Jimmy Sheridan, CEO of Debra speaks to Barbara about the journey which the charity is on and tells how their mission is to get greater support for the family when it comes to bandage changes for the children affected.

They speak to Penny who is involve with the starting of the charity shop. Penny tells how they serve 4-500 paying customers each week and shares that they are constantly accepting donations of clothes, books and bric-a-brac.

Jimmy tells of pther fundraising drives which they operate including being involved in the womens mini marathon, a run in the mountains in kerry and the Wicklow half marathon. He also talks of the many raffles which they constantly operate to raise funds.


Duration: 06'40" DATE: June 19, 2016
Interviewer:Barbara Jennings
Producer:John Healy
Interviewee:Jimmy Sheridan, Carmel, Penny
Themes:Irish Life & Culture, Community Events
Keywords:debra ireland, EB, jimmy sheridan, camden charity shop, raising money for Debra Ireland, fundraising in ireland,
LocationIreland, Camden Street, Dublin Time Period:2012
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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