Dublin Fire Brigade Protest

Near FM volunteer STELLA GEBAUER reports from the protests that took place the 9th of April to defend the work of the Dublin Fire Brigade. The workers are worried that the ambulance service could be taken from them and given to the National Ambulance Service; all the firefighters in Dublin are trained as paramedics and they defend…

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Outside Broadcast in St. David’s BNS

In a special edition of Northside Today, Noel talks to the teachers and students of St. David BNS in Artane. Noel firstly speaks to DECLAN CAHILL who is the coordinator of the Bookworms Programme. He talks about the origins and objectives of the programme and his admiration for the staff to encourage students to read and how…

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Moore Street Bond Scheme

Noel speaks to FRANK ALLEN about the Moore Street Bond Scheme that were selling bonds to support the preservation of Moore Street, Dublin 1. He talks about the background and reasons for the bond scheme, the historical significance of Moore Street, the response to the bond scheme from all over the world, the costs to restore…

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Learning about the School of Cookery, Artane

BRENDAN O’NEILL, founder of The School of Cookery Artane joins Noel in studio to discuss what the business does. He begins by speaking of previously being a chef in the Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin and also coaching the National Cullinary team for exhibitions. He speaks of his passion for showing people that cooking is “easy” and…

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A Complete Guide to Statues & Sculptures of Dublin

John Healy chats to NEAL DOHERTY about his new book: A Complete Guide to Statues & Sculptures of Dublin. Neal is a true–blue Dubliner and Fáilte Ireland qualified tour guide who has been introducing tourists to the history and culture of Dublin for many years. He spent his career as a divisional manager in Nestlé,…

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What is “Storymap.ie”?

TOM ROWLEY, co founder of Storymap.ie speaks to Eoin Drinan about the purpose of the website. He explains how the website provides an ability for people to click online on a street (or via an app) and tap into stories about certain areas of that street. For a local it offers and opportunity to see…

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Tree Planting Ceremony in Malahide Castle

Conor Doyle talks to GEMMA CARR– Fingal County Council’s Senior Executive Parks Superintendent about Tree Planting Ceremony “Seven Trees for  the Seven Signatories” in Malahide Castle. The National Trees Council of Ireland is gifting seven Oak trees to each winner of the Tidy Towns since the competition began in 1958. Malahide was the overall winner…

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Winter Coats For The Homeless Campaign

SARAH KATE CONWAY and ROSIE OSBOURNE join John Healy in studio to discuss Sarah’s “Winter Coats For The Homeless” initiative. Sarah tells John where the idea came from and how it developed into a campaign. Rosie talks about the Peter McVerry Trust’s involvement with the campaign and some of the ways in which people can…

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Bohs Celebrate a Century And A Quarter of Soccer

LARRY O’TOOLE from Bohemians FC chats with Mark Finnegan about the club’s forthcoming Anniversary Match with Ireland Legends in aid of Pieta House and the Bohemians’ long, proud history. Bohemian FC is organising a programme of events in 2015 to mark the club’s 125th anniversary and the club is urging fans and friends to join…

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American Country Singer Casey Black

Amanda Ni Ghabhann interviews American country singer CASEY BLACK, who will be at Whelans on May 20th along with Niall Connolly. He plays three live songs: “Happiness” @ 4’55”, “Flowers” @ 21’31” and “Museum made of Glass” @ 29’18”…

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Near FM & MediaCorp Intercultural Project Goes On

GRACE WILENTZ pops in to update Noel McGuinness on the progress of the Near FM & MediaCorp Intercultural Project. With her she has two members of the latest group to come together: Louise, from Brazil, and Claire, from Drogheda. At this point there are 17 participants in the project. They are learning a wide range…

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Learning about “fromthestudioof.com”

Eoin Drinan speaks to AILBHE MCCORMACK about her blog “Fromthestudioof.com”, an insight into an artist’s studio. Ailbhe explains where the idea came from, the places that artist can get their inspiration from, how she visits artists as part of her own work and the idea of her blog to allow fellow artists to explore each…

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This week’s stories from North County Leader

Noel Mc Guinness speaks to PATRICK FINNEGAN from the North County Leader paper about the stories that are making the headlines . Starting us of is talk about the sale of Aer Lingus. Central bank to put new restrictions on mortgage seekers.  Lama awards & who won the best community centre in & around Fingal…

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