“What Would Ma Say” Adapted For The Stage

Author KATHLEEN DOYLE and director GERARD RONAN join John Healy in studio to discuss Kathleen’s book “What would Ma say” and the process of adapting it for the stage. Kathleen says the book took 18 months to write. It book is based in the tenements on Cooke Street in the Christchurch area and in Crumlin…

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Near FM’s culture night broadcast 2013

PAUL LOUGHRAN of NEAR FM joins Noel McGuinness to outline NEAR FM’s involvement with Culture night 2013 and the events that they will be facilitating on the night. Paul tells that the station will be broadcasting live from the Hugh Lane Gallery and will be broadcast live across a number of Dublin Community stations. Paul…

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Barbara Jennings’ Exhibition

Artist and NearFM roving reporter BARBARA JENNINGS talks about a forthcoming exhibition in Gallery 27, South Frederick Street and her art and influences. She was shown how to cast bronzes by Joe Moran, who gave her the equipment and know-how before telling her to go and practice. You can see the results of her hard…

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Mature Artists Show Their Stuff at Axis, Ballymun

Roving reporter FELICITY KEARNY talks to some of the artists at the opening of North Central Dublin’s Bealtaine Art Exhibition. North Dublin Group art exhibition launched on Tuesday May 5th at 2pm in the Axis Arts Centre, Ballymun. The exhibition displays the wealth of talent and invention existing in the art groups and individuals over…

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Mary Coughlan at the Axis, Ballymun

Singer MARY COUGHLAN joins Noel MCGuinness to discuss an upcoming gig at the Axis Centre in Ballymun. Mary gives details of the concert and a new album being released early in 2014. They also discuss the recent death of Nelson Mandela and the effect of his passing on her. Mary shares details of her new…

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ALONE: Cuts in Home Help Are A False Economy

Ronnie O’Brien talks to SEAN MOYNIHAN, CEO of ALONE about cuts in Home Help. There was great disappointment at the arbitrary cuts in home help budgets announced last week. This is the second year that cuts in home care have been made. Now 2 million hours of this support has been cut. This makes it almost…

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Debra Ireland and the Womens Mini Marathon 2013

Barbara Jennings speaks to SUSAN WOODCOCK from DEBRA Ireland. They begin by speaking a little about what the charities does and who it caters for. We hear of some of the effects of EB and they talk of some of the services provided. In particular they speak of a drive to have people running the…

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Lir Free To Make Music Again

Noel McGuinness talks to RO BYRNE, lead guitarist with Lir, the band which is only now celebrating release from an onerous contract obligation that has dragged on for years. Ro says it is hard for young bands who only think about rock and roll to keep an eye on the business end of things. However,…

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Water Charges & TTIP Meeting In Parnells

John Healy speaks to MICHAEL O’ BRIEN about a meeting taking place in parnells club about water charges & TTIP. Joe Higgins will be giving an indroucetery  talk on the TTIP agreement & about how the government are saying they will never privitise irish water…

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Irish Falun Dafa Association

Noel Mc Guinness speaks to  DAI DONGE  who is director of Irish falun dafa association about the show that’s happening in the convention centre tomorrow night. The show consists of performing arts, it’s a two hour show & they use classical chinese dance to portray stories myths & legends about china with wonderful colorful costumes…

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