Pat MeehanĀ talks to ROBERT CARLEY, from Zest 4 Kids, a charity working with children at risk or who have suffered trauma. Robert chatted about the launch of a book being sold in aid of the organisation…
I Only Miss You When You’re Gone: Photography At Axis, Ballymun
Photographer AIDAN KELLY joins Noel McGuinness to discuss the exhibition “I Only Miss You When You’re Gone” at the Axis Centre in Ballymun. Aidan says himself and Mark O’Brien collaborated on the project. It began with a discussion of why they took photographs and evolved into a debate about what Ballymun would be like if…
Live from the Edenmore Fun Day 2013
TONY CAPTAIN introduces a segment recorded by Noel McGuinness at the Edenmore Fun day 2013. Noel is first joined by DERMOT McHUGH, one of the organisers of the festival who talks about the history and growth of the festival, detailing the many groups involved and what they are doing as part of the festival. Doctor…
Dublin City North Volunteer centre “Befriending Volunteering” event
ELISSA GEISEMAN speaks to John about the centre and what they provide. They outline how to get involved, the different volunteering opportunities there are and the training that is provided. They then speak about the event that they are holding entitled “Befriending Volunteering”, what it is and what people can take from it…
Web summit 2012: a preview
DAIRE HICKEY of the Dublin Web Summit 2012 joins Eoin Drinan to discuss the upcoming festival. They begin by discussing what is taking place at this years summit, which aims to create networking opportunities for start ups and tech firms based around the world. At this years event there will be talks with Michael acton…
Dublin City Council’s Halloween Firework Displays 2013
FIONA MOORE from Dublin City Council joins Noel McGuinness to discuss the various events taking place over the Halloween period. Fiona says these organised Halloween events do reduce the impact of illegal gatherings which can be dangerous and cause harm to the local environment. Fiona talks about people endangering the lives of children and their…
Volunteer Programme To Mark International Volunteer Day
VALERIE VETTER, a volunteer from the St. Francis Hospice, Raheny talks to several other volunteers about their experiences in the hospice as part the Volunteer Programme to mark International Volunteer Day that took place on December 5th. BRENDA FARRELLY, head coordinator of the St. Francis Hospices talks about how long the hospices in Blanchardstown and…
2012: Another Year at Near – News Round-Up
Near Media Co-Op is a not-for-profit community media project. The project consists of Near FM and Near TV and works in platforms as diverse as computer training, drama production, assisting unsigned musicians and educational programming. Near FM broadcasts 24 hours a day over 365 days per year. We operate an open access policy and run…
Les Miserables at Malahide Community School
AIDEEN SCRINEY speaks to Noel McGuinness about their upcoming production of Les Miserables in Malahide Community School. We hear about their preparation for the show and Aideen discusses her portrayal of “Val Jean”. She speaks of her own background in drama and also discuss the music accompaniment for the production…
Protest against sewage plant in Clochran
JOE JONES speaks to Gerry Cooley about a sewage plant that is planned to be installed in Clochran. The proposal is for a giant sewage treatment plant. Joe is requesting for people to put in an objection to the plant. His disagreement is that the plant will have a huge impact on the local residents…
Missing Teddy Bear Reunited With Its Owner
Conor speaks to AUSTIN MAGUIRE from Enjoy Malahide about a missing teddy bear that was reunited with its owner. He talks aboutĀ the story about the missing teddy bear, how he discovered the teddy bear, how he used Facebook to find its owner, the pride he felt when returning the teddy bear to its owner and…
Homeless crisis increase in Dublin 2013
Deputy DESSIE ELLIS joins Noel McGuinness to discuss the rising figures of homeless people in Dublin in 2013, with 8 new people becoming homeless each day. They discuss the possible causes for such a large increase, including home repossesion and talk of possible solutions including using NAMA owned properties to house the homeless. Dessie makes…
Novels, Plays and Schooldays Plays on Near FM
Producer and presenter DEBBIE HUTCHINSON talks to John Healy about ‘Novels, Plays, and Schooldays’. Novels, Plays and Schooldays is a new nine-part radio series produced by Near fm with financial support from The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. The series looks at the novels and plays that form part of the Junior and Leaving Certificate English…
Amen Services Annual Report & International Men’s Day
John speaks to AOIFE MCGRATH from Amen Services about the Annual Report and International Men’s Day. She talks about the services that Amen Services provide for men who suffer from domestic abuse, the families that would be contacting them over their concerns, the reaction they got from their last campaign, the amount of services they…
Changes to the “One parent family” grant in 2013
John Healy is joined by ITA BRADSHAW from the Northside Citizens Information Centre to discuss the One-Parent Family Payment (OFP). A OFP is a payment for men and women under 66 who are bringing children up without the support of a partner. They discuss the recent changes made to the payment and the rules and…